The Benefits of Ozone Therapy

When you think of ozone, you may think of the atmospheric depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer that protects us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Surprisingly, I have come to learn that ozone as a medical application has been used in the medical field for 150 years!

The first use of ozone in the medical field was in 1872. Initially, it was used as a disinfectant for surgical rooms and instruments¹ then became known to disinfect water and help heal wounds. Ozone as a healing modality has been around for YEARS but medical students are not taught about it in American schools. Germany uses ozone in First Responder ambulances to treat patients suffering from stroke. Why have we not learned of this healing modality in the U.S.? The heftiest of reasons - it is not patentable.

Ozone is a naturally occurring molecule and cannot be improved upon by molecular manipulation.  It is medical application that uses our own innate immunity. Although there are many peer-reviewed studies showing the effectiveness of Ozone, there is no study showing the exact mechanisms of action. A majority of Western physicians do not believe that such an inexpensive, safe, and wide variety for use is possible. 

“Why Ozone?” you might ask. Ozone is one of the most diverse in applications to help with many chronic diseases we see today e.g. autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular (heart and circulation), mold, Lyme disease,  gut diagnosis.  At Ashland Natural Medicine, we have focused on Ozone to treat Lyme disease, mold, and fatigue syndrome. It is also applied to help support chronic conditions. Dr. Shallenburger said, “Ozone therapy is technically best described as a low potency homeopathic treatment that stimulates and stabilizes rather than suppressing biological functions”.² You can think of Ozone as a homeopathic remedy with the belief that,  "like cures like" (Oxidant treating oxidative stress). Ozone therapy itself does not produce the healing effect, instead it induces our bodies' innate healing mechanisms to create healing.

What exactly is Ozone? Ozone, referred to as O3,  is composed of three oxygen atoms all sharing the same electron. These oxygen atoms are unstable, meaning there are not enough electrons to keep the molecules stable. In biological systems like you and I, Ozone instantaneously interacts with the double bonds found in amino acids and lipids to form peroxides. It is these various peroxides, not Ozone itself, which exert biological healing. The various peroxides are collectively referred to as “ozonides”.

As mentioned above, Ozone applications are diverse and one application can treat many diseases. Modalities can include:

  • Topically

  • Insufflation of ears & nose; rectal or vaginal

  • Oral. Yes, you can drink Ozonated water!

  • IV therapy. Mixed with the blood and circulated systemically  

IV therapy is a major focus at ANM.  The application is best if used more often until homeostasis occurs, then for maintenance. Clients who use Ozone therapy often report an increase in energy and clarity. Others report a decrease in some systemic symptoms such as brain fog and chronic fatigue.

A word of warning: Ozone can be an irritant to the bronchioles and therefore cannot be tolerated when inhaled directly. For instance, it is not recommended to be in a room when running an ozone generator. It isn’t good for plants either. If using high concentrations of ozone through an Ozonator, when cleansing mold from a room, for example, be sure to evacuate people, plants and pets during the treatment of the space.

In such a busy society we hardly have time to really learn what's good for us, or even question information we are given. I have learned through my studies of Ozone that there are diverse modalities of healing, many of them hidden in plain sight. Listen to your body and intuition - often we can give ourselves our own answer. After comparing information from different sources, listen to little voice inside you that is affirming the best answer for you. 

There are countless publications on ozone therapy. I suggest digging deeper by going to American Academy of Ozonotherapy.You may also review different Ozone applications at PromoLife.

Summer Blue, RN



  2. Shallenberger, Frank MD., HMD, ABAAM (2011) pg 11, 14, Principles And Applications Of Ozone Therapy A Practical Guideline For Physicians