Following Your Inner Compass

I sat down to write a piece about antioxidants and how important our antioxidant intake is in supporting our bodies as they manage daily stressors, process toxins, and both build and maintain a robust immune system. Since something else feels more pressing right now, I’ll come back to the antioxidants.

We are living in an interesting and challenging time. Although I speak for myself, I imagine some of you relate to what I share. Throughout the past two months (which are feeling more like six), I have had varying degrees of success in finding internal equanimity as I navigate the constantly-shifting narrative and flood of information about what is or may be happening, both in the health of the individual and the collective human population.

In the end, after listening to dozens of “experts,” all with different and often, opposing, opinions, I decided to seek professional sources who tend to be educated, reputable. and calm. Furthermore, their messages tend to be inclusive, humble, and relaxing. After far too many restless nights, I realized that I had to return to my center. I needed to reorient to my own inner compass. I had to find whatever perspective and awareness felt resonant inside my own body.

It may seem like a strange way for a doctor to navigate, but if we are honest, it is probably the way we all do our best work in the world. We gather information and we enter the data into our brains. Then, we leave it and find ourselves present with the person or situation in front of us. It is from this space of openness that we may “receive” information that may seem surprising, but, when put to the test of the brain, checks out.

So, this is how I have been moving through the masses of information. I will admit that I have a bias against the party line. I do my best to listen with an open mind, but I am also listening for the incongruities. This is a quality I’ve cultivated as a doctor: listening, attentive, willing to accept, but also looking deeper, trying to determine what hasn’t been said, and watching for that which is obvious but has been overlooked.

I am not going to recommend that you see things as I do. I have many thoughts and ideas which I am happy to share if you feel like having an open-minded conversation. Mostly, I want to issue an invitation to disconnect from all of the stories that are coming at you for long enough to find your own inner compass and to move from there. Also, have compassion for your fellow beings whose sensibilities are different from your own.

I will share that I trust our bodies and the simple tools that we have to help them stay strong. When our bodies struggle, they let us know just where they need attention. This brings me back to antioxidants.

Keep your body supplied with ample antioxidants to stay healthy and strong. Eat both dark green leafy and brightly colored vegetables and berries. Check your Vitamin D status with your doc and make sure it is in the ideal range. Strongly consider taking Vitamin A and Vitamin C daily. Glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supports glutathione production, as do whey powder and coffee enemas. Talk to your naturopath for recommendations about what best supports your particular health picture and how to stay healthy now and always!

Last, but not least, focus on what brings you relaxation. Avoid too much news. Be generous with yourself and others. Focus on things for which you are grateful . Put your feet on the earth as often as possible. Try to spread love wherever you can. Many small changes add up to a positive conclusion.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Ajana Miki

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