Establishing Healthy Sleep Routines

As the Sun reaches its yearly height, June and the surge of summer manifests through all life. On every level, the waters of winter and spring nourish the blessings of all lives. So too, in our health. This time of year fuels our growth. Evolution is nourished by sacred waters and connection to nature, natural rhythms and faith. 

During this time of great social and economic change it is important to deepen our gratitude and also work with the natural resources provided to restore balance and optimal health. Sleep is of major importance.

Over the past few months of increased time-indoors you may be resting more however, the nervous system and mind, in many areas of life, have been asked to adapt to the ever-changing world around us.

One of the key foundational elements we have to work with, to encourage cellular regeneration and natural vitality, is getting the right amount of sleep and most importantly winding down to sleep at the same time every night. Creating and honoring healthy sleep routines that we can stick to regularly is reassuring to our nervous system and signals the body to replenish itself. 

We courage our patients, families and friends to observe recommended amounts of sleep*: newborns 16-18 hours; preschool-aged-children 10-12 hours, elementary-school- aged- children through teens 9 hours, and adults through elders 7-8 hours.

If you need support developing a healthy sleep routine or have any questions about sleep and how important it is to optimal immunity and overall good health, please feel free to speak with Dr. Miki or Dr. Chelbowski at your next appointment.

Blessings to you and yours this Summer Season and Beyond!
Alima, ANM Medicinary Manager

*National Institutes of Health

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