Summer Sun Herbal Tea Recipe

Summer is the time of sunshine. The sunfire energies rise within us fueling our desires to complete all the life plans we have undertaken.

This summer, consider mixing your favorite summer garden flowers: lavender, rose, calendula or chamomile along with herbs; stinging nettle, rosemary, basil, mint. Use this floral/herbal mixture to aid in hydration and nourishment of yourself and your family during the summer season.

Summer Sun Tea

  • 1 bundle of fresh Spearmint

  • 2 cups dried Stinging Nettle

  • 1/2 or 1 gallon glass jug (I like to reuse apple juice jugs)

  1. Add herbs to the jar with 3-4 cups of boiling water and swish to mix. Fill the rest of the jar with cool water. Seal the lid and place outside in the direct sun for 4-6 hours. Swish occasionally during brewing process.

  2. Bring inside and filter the liquid into mason jars.

  3. Serve with fresh sprig of spearmint for added festive color and/or with a few cubes of ice if you like it cold.

Sun teas are best enjoyed on the first day, yet can last up to 2-3 days when kept sealed and cold in the refrigerator.

Enjoy and best of health wishes to you and your family this summer!

Alima Matejcek, Medicinary Manager