All About Ozone Therapy

If you have spent much time in the IV suite at Ashland Natural Medicine, you may have heard our incredible nurse, Summer Blue, extolling the virtues of ozone therapy. Or, you may have witnessed an ozone IV infusion with no small amount of curiosity.

Ozone therapy has been used since the late 1800s in Europe, most notably in Germany, Russia, Cuba and the US. As early as 1885, there was an article published in the Florida Medical Association newsletter with information about the therapeutic uses of ozone. In other words, it isn’t the new kid on the block.

The oxygen that we breathe consists of two atoms. Ozone is composed of three atoms of oxygen. This extra molecule of oxygen, when used therapeutically, has a variety of potent effects on the body.

A few of the documented effects of ozone include:

  • Immune system regulation. Ozone will help to calm the immune system if it is overactive or stimulate it if it is underactive.

  • Antioxidant

  • Improved blood flow, microcirculation and oxygenation

  • Cellular and mitochondrial rejuvenation

  • Anti-aging

  • Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral

  • Pain relief

  • Increased metabolism: weight loss and detoxificatio

  • Increased cognitive function, decreased brain fog

  • Increased joint mobility

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Wound healing

Therapeutically, we use both systemic and local ozone applications, depending on our targeted therapeutic outcome. For a sinus, ear or tooth infection or an infected wound, we would use a syringe to apply ozone in direct contact with the infected surface. (As ozone can be harmful to the lungs with prolonged or repetitive exposure, we are careful and mindful of this with all of our applications.) For systemic treatment, we use IV infusions, vaginal or rectal applications. 

 Ozone IVs are done by autohemotherapy. This refers to a process when some of a patient’s blood is drawn into a sterile container, then mixed with ozone before returning the blood back into the patient’s body. This ozonated blood carries all of the aforementioned properties and benefits back to the mitochondria and cells, stimulating healing and gentle detoxification.

We commonly use ozone IV therapy for the following:

  • Immune support

  • Post-COVID recovery

  • Detoxification of mold and heavy metals

  • Increase energy

  • Decrease brain fog associated with chronic illnesses

  • Immune regulation in patients with cancer

  • Support for all autoimmune diseases

  • Increase circulation in patients with diabetes

  • Heal the digestive tract

  • Traumatic brain injury e.g., concussion, post-stroke or cardiovascular disease

Ozone is most effective with multiple applications. We recommend a trial application to see how the body responds to the therapy. If the response is favorable, then we recommend a commitment to a series of a minimum of ten treatments, as it can take many treatments to feel the full benefits happening on a cellular level. After 10 to 20 subsequent treatments, we encourage the patient to maintain the benefits by coming in for routinely scheduled treatment or when they notice their body’s need for extra support. 

If you are interested in ozone therapies, let your ANM health care provider know and we will get you started with the application that is correct for your healing journey.

Yours in good health,
Ajana Miki, ND, LAc