Sovereignty and the Healthy Individual

What if within every Soul who is born, lies a light, an energy, an inner-standing, of Divine Sovereignty? Imagine this gift of personal liberty from Divine Source-Creator reverberating through each individual being, throughout the galaxy, the cosmos and even throughout multiple universes. Consider this an inner-knowing… pulsing purely unfettered in every human being at the most delicate, most vulnerable time of life – at infancy. Then, as we grow in our human experience, we are surrounded by belief systems and social constructs that are, whether intentionally or unintentionally, used to distract, manipulate or coax us away from this inner-standing of Divine Sovereignty.

“But what exactly is Divine Sovereignty?”, you might ask.

Unlike national sovereignty, which is usually achieved through war and sacrifice, you may perceive the concept of Divine Sovereignty as a visceral KNOWING - that each one of us exists as a Divine expression of the Prime Creator, Great Spirit, God, Goddess, Allah, Yahweh, etc. … however you refer to Divine Source. And, with this Knowing, we understand that we are empowered with innate liberty from the moment of birth. Some say that this Sovereignty actually manifests as genetic code embedded deep within an individual’s DNA, the basic building blocks of our physical existence. Imagine, within a resonant individual, with this cellular Knowing comes a vibration of energy - a feeling that one can tap into that NOTHING can override his or her embodiment of this Divine gift of Sovereignty.

UNLESS, that is, the individual surrenders their Divinely-given right of this Sovereignty, whether through unconscious contractual agreement, fear or tacit consent, giving a physical or non-physical entity permission to overpower and suppress their innate liberty.

In the summer of 2019, I had a vivid dream. I was swimming in the dark waters of a black lake. At first, I was afraid of what lurked below the surface. In my fear of sea monster-like predators swimming beneath me, I flailed around, trying to latch on to anything to pull myself out of the ominous water. This flailing only sunk me deeper. Soon a quiet but powerful voice told me that I was safe and to let go of my struggle - that I would float if I would stop thrashing about.

As soon as I stopped, I indeed began to float like a bobbing cork amidst the gentle lake waves. I looked around and saw another woman also bobbing nearby. As our eyes met, I felt an understanding unspoken between us… We were safe, as long as we didn’t give into the fear of the unknown below us.

To the other side of me, a saw a woman drifting on a small, yellow, inflatable raft. Although she was safely floating above the water, she was distraught with fear of sinking into the black liquid. She was freaking out! Her cries and screams of terror drown out my verbal attempts to calm her and assure her that she was safe. The more she freaked out, the more her raft deflated and sunk into the dark water. As I tried to swim under her raft and push her to the water’s surface, I quickly realized that I could not save her. Unless she calmed down and halted her frantic fear, she was destined to be drowned by her own spiraling sabotage.

What if this innate Sovereignty works a lot like the elements in the dream? If we allow fear-filled illusions to override our Divine Sovereignty, will we surely drown in fear? But if we calm ourselves and trust in the innate spark of Divine Presence residing within each one of us, can we can swim, drift, or float through uncharted waters of the unknown with ease and grace?

It seems to me over the past few years, like in the dream, the humanity has been collectively tossed about in a dark whirlpool of illusion and fear. What if we allow ourselves to quiet our minds from the swirling chatter, recenter our focus to the calm of our hearts and reactivate our inner glow of Divine Sovereignty? Could we embark on a journey of evolution together into realms of human existence we have yet to discover or even fathom?

When the innate code of Divine Sovereignty is activated, the maneuvers of life’s peaks and challenges flow organically. Attunement to the inner wisdom of body, mind and spirit is reinstated. And what is most beneficial for the health of the individual, the family, the community and ultimately, the world, becomes abundantly clear, undistorted by outer illusion or agenda.

Thank you for your time! I wish you much peace, grace and joy on your journey!

Natasha Sol, Energy Therapist