Treating the Tree by Tending the Roots

Naturopathic medicine is, at the heart, about treating the roots. This is so that the tree (patient), its branches, leaves, and fruit can flourish.

A healthy root system allows for a tree to endure a storm or an infestation of pests. When describing a tree that is infected versus one that is healthy, arborists use the language “a susceptible host”. In naturopathic medicine, we use the word “terrain”. If the terrain of a person is healthy, the person will not be susceptible to infections. This is the basis of naturopathic medicine. 

If a person is manifesting symptoms of chronic viruses or fungal infections, or deeper pathologies such as autoimmune diseases or cancers, we know that the roots of their terrain need tending before healing can truly happen. 

Tending to the roots of a person’s terrain looks like removing toxins and replacing them with clean water, giving them the right nutrients, sunshine, and clean air. It means taking the person out of toxic environment of mold, heavy metals and/or pesticides. Or, from an environment of unhealthy relationships, chronic stress, unprocessed traumas and unconscious self limiting beliefs. 

As the roots/terrain return to health, the immune system is free to clean up the overgrowth that shows up as chronic illness. Think about an untended garden… Before too long, blackberry bushes (i.e. viruses, fungi, unfriendly gut bacteria) can take over. Now think about a garden that is regularly weeded (cleared of toxins and emotional suppression) and planted with intention (meditation, prayer, play, positive thoughts, healthy relationships, emotional allowance) - We just turned the tree into a whole garden! But isn’t that what happens when we are feeling healthy and vital?

Add some salsa dancing, rock climbing, hiking, yoga, weight training, ping pong tournaments, three legged sack races, or seated ballet as joyful forms of movement. 

It may take a season or even two to recover from an overgrown, weedy garden, especially if the weeds (toxins) have been allowed years to run rampant but the body is miraculous. It wants to heal. 

One final note. Your body is your friend. Everything that happens inside your body happens in the name of your survival. We may not understand it yet, if ever, but there is a symbiosis between viruses, bacteria, fungi and our human cells. When we see candida overgrowth, we know that there are likely toxic metals. The overgrowth of candida appears to be supporting the body in effort to protect it from the metals. When the metals are cleared, the candida falls back to blend in with the rest of the bacteria. There is more to share about this but I’ll save it for the next newsletter. Until then, happy root tending.

I invite you to find a picture of a thriving tree or garden and hang it up to remind you of where you are headed and why your ministrations matter! 

In healthy terrain,
Dr. Ajana Miki

AllNatasha Sol